Introducing the new

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We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new website
After months of planning we finally have our new site that we hope will be easy to navigate and give you an insight into what the foundation is all about.

There are stories from some of the beneficiaries of the charity and image galleries of some of our events over the years as well as how you can support us or organise your own fundraiser.

You have likely come to this web site because you or someone close to you has recently been diagnosed with cancer. It is a very difficult time in your life and we would like to help.

As you are aware The Lynne King Cancer Care Foundation is a charity working to help those with cancer. The charity is registered with the Australian Taxation Department and all donations of AUD $2 or more are fully tax deductible. More importantly, all those associated with the foundation, including the trustees, are volunteers and receive no payment, either direct or indirect, for their services. This web site is being developed and maintained by volunteers. In this way we ensure that 100% of donations reach those with Cancer for which the donation was made. Such is our commitment to helping those embarking on a journey that we are all too familiar with.

Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram and come back and visit our page to stay in touch and hear our latest news!

Thanks for being part of our family.

Lynne King Cancer Foundation

Reg, Chris, Lisa and George (trustees).